Dr. Kertney Thompson, Chief Executive Officer, St. Kitts and Nevis TVET Secretariat explained the reasons for the workshop.“They [Germans] are here as a result of the MoU signed with the Ministry of Education and the Chamber of Crafts in Flensburg Germany. We are here for the first part of that MoU where we have these experts conducting training here in St. Kitts and Nevis. They will be engaging in some TVET workshops for the next two weeks. They did some theoretical content at CFBC and over the next two weeks they [participants] will be working on the practical component under the guidance of the facilitators, to facilitate knowledge transfer. It’s all about capacity building. Germany has a very technical, a very highly skilled workforce all because of their TVET programs. We would like to get some of this knowledge here in St. Kitts and Nevis, hence the reason for this engagement with these experts, he expressed.”Director of AVEC, Mr. Eston Williams shared, “TVET is very important. It is what drives our economy. We are hoping that the information and knowledge shared today, the trainees can use it within the classroom while at the same time it can be transitioned into the work environment.”