It has been two years since the early detection and intervention centre has opened in St. Kitts to assess learning irregularities in children.
“It is interesting that we did not have a center of this nature before, said one parent who utilized he centre. This view was supported by one of the centre’s employees who explained that traffic has not stopped since its doors first opens. “A steady flow of concerned parents bring their children to the centre hoping to be able to diagnose what they perceive to be irregular or unusual patterns in their children’s development.”
The early Intervention Centre to identify and assist children with Autism and other developmental disorders was opened In July 2012. There a number of persons can access the centre including:
- Children with developmental irregularities.
- Children who need regular screening and evaluation.
- Teachers, parents, nurses and others who interact with such children daily.
- Parents who require assistance with coping.
- Students who require therapy following the assessment.
- Children at the preschool level who are identified by their teachers
Other facts:
– Federation’s main site for testing and therapy
– Goal is to assist most children who utilize it to fit back into the mainstream of education
– Autism affects 0.6% of all children born
– Ministries of Social Development; Community Affairs; Health comprise a multi-disciplinary team assisting with activities of the centre (MOU signed between them)
– One of the screening tests is available online and will be available at day care centres/special schools
– One test is available for children as young as four months
In St. Kitts, over 60 children were tested just prior to opening day based on concerns raised by parents and of these, about half of the children have continued to attend classes at least twice a week to assist them in their learning.